

 Niobe is one of the more tragic figures in Greek myth. She was the daughter of Tantalus and either Euryanassa, Eurythemista, Clytia, or Dione (no one seems to know for sure) and had two brothers, Broteas and Pelops. Niobe was the queen of Thebes (the principle city in Boetia), married to Amphion, King of Thebes.
she had seven sons and two daughters, so the scores Leto, who mother of Apollo and Artemis, because she had only two daughters.
 Leto got angry and send Apollo and Artemis to kill Niobe2s children.
 Seven sons were killed by Apollo's arrow
two daughters were killed by Artemis arrow.
Niobe was alone and with no family, she got sad and Zeus took pity on him and turned her into a stone.
However, Niobe continued to cry and even today.,You can see this stone in Manisa, Turkey.

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