

In Greek mythology, Philomela was the daughter of Pandion, a legendary king of Athens. Her sister Procne married Tereus, king of Thrace, and went to live with him in Thrace. After five years, Procne wanted to see her sister. Tereus agreed to go to Athens and bring Philomela back for a visit. However, Tereus found Philomela so beautiful that he raped her. Then he cut out her tongue so she could not tell what had happened and hid her. He told Procne that her sister was dead.
Unable to speak, Philomela wove a tapestry depicting the story and arranged for an old woman to take it to Procne. When Procne saw the weaving, she asked the woman to lead her to Philomela. After rescuing her sister, Procne planned revenge on her husband. She killed their son Itys and served him to Tereus for supper. At the end of the meal, Philomela appeared and threw the boy's head on the table. Realizing what had happened, Tereus chased the women and tried to kill them. But before he could catch them, the gods transformed them all into birds. Tereus became a hawk (or a hoopoe), while Procne became a nightingale and Philomela a swallow. Roman writers reversed these roles, making Philomela a nightingale and Procne a swallow.   


  metis,   leto,  themis,   mnemosyne(nine muses >their children),   eurynome,  maia, taygete, electra, Demeter
 Aegina, antiope, callisto
Semele, Danae, Alemene, Niobe,Io, Europa, Leda


ARES The God of War had a long love affair with Aphrodite which lasted for the duration of her marriage to Hephaistos and beyond. She bore him four divine sons: Eros, Anteros, Deimos, Phobos; and a daughter: Harmonia.
DIONYSUS The God of Wine who had a short affair with Aphrodite. Hera cursed the goddess to bear a horribly ugly child, Priapos, as punishment for her promiscuity. Some say Hermes Bakkheios (Iakkhos) was also their child.
HEPHAISTOS The God of Smiths was the husband of Aphrodite, who later divorced her following her adulterous love affair with Ares. Aphrodite was never happy with the marriage having been forced to wed him by decree of Zeus, as a gift for releasing his mother Hera from the bonds of the cursed golden throne 
HERMES The Messenger of the Gods seduced Aphrodite with the help of his father Zeus. She bore him a son, the godling Hermaphroditos (and some say Eros).
NERITES A young Sea-God who was the very first love of Aphrodite. When he refused to leave the sea to join her on Olympos, she transformed him into a shell-fish for his betrayal.
POSEIDON The great God of the Sea had an affair with Aphrodite who was grateful for his support following the revelation of her adulterous relationship with Ares. She bore him two daughters Rhodos and Herophilos.
ZEUS The King of the Gods attempted to seduce Aphrodite when she first set foot upon land in Kypros. Aphrodite fled and Zeus' seed was spilt upon the earth.

Aphrodite + Hermes> Hermaphrodite
  (double sexed begins)
Aphrodıte + Poseidon>  two sons



Taught by Apollo and Artemis.
Chiron, in Greek Mythology, one of the Centaurs, the son of the Titan Cronus and Philyra, an Oceanid or sea nymph. Chiron lived at the foot of Mount Pelion in Thessaly. Unlike other Centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. Many Greek heroes, including Heracles, Archilles and Aesclepius, were instructed by him. wounded by Hercules,
Hunting, music, heroic, medicine, prophery, and many other skills.
Exchanged immortality with Prometheus. Hercules kills the eagles and save Promethaus life.


IXION was the king of the Lapiths, the most ancient tribe of Thessally. and son of Ares and Perimele.   He was the husband of Dia, daughter of Deioneus, to whom he promised a gift as a bride price. Nevertheless, he eventually did not give anything to his father-in-law, so Deioneus decided to punish him by stealing some of his horses.  Ixion was enraged (kızmak), but thought of retaliating in a different way; he organised a feast and invited his father-in-law. When Deioneus arrived, Ixion pushed him into a  (fire) bed of burning coals and wood.   After his action, Ixion was no longer welcome in any city and lived as an outcast.  By killing his father-in-law, Ixion was reckoned the first man guilty of kin-slaying in Greek mythology. That alone would warrant him a terrible punishment.
 Later, Zeus felt pity for him and decided to invite him to Olympus.  Instead of being grateful, Ixion grew lustful for Hera,  Zeus found out about his intentions and made a cloud in the shape of Hera, which became known as Nephele (nephas (gr)). Ixion had sex with the cloud, a union that gave birth to Centauros (ixionidae), the first of the Centaurs.  He was then thrown out of Olympus and Zeus even hurled a thunderbolt against him.   Zeus ordered Hermes to bind Ixion to a winged fiery wheel that was always spinning.   Therefore, Ixion is bound to a burning solar wheel for all eternity, at first spinning across the heavens,  but in later myth transferred to Tartarus. Only when Orpheus  played his lyre during his trip to the Underworld to rescue Eurydice did it stop for a while.
 Ixion   became immortal because of internal ambrosia table. so Ixion didn't died and forever burned in Tartarus on the wheel. 

İksion Yunan Mitolojisinde; Teselya'nın en eski kabilesi olan Lapithler'in kralı, Thesus'un arkadaşı Peirithoos'un babası.
Deioneus'un kızı Dia'ya talip olmuş ve babasına birçok armağanlar vermeye yemin etmiş, ancak evlendikten sonra armağanları vermemiş, Delieus da cezalandırmak için atlarını çalmış, buna sinirlenen İksion Deieus'u kor kömürlerin içine atarak öldürmüştür. Yemin bozma suçuna ailesinden birini öldürme suçu da eklenince, kimse İksion'u günahlarından arındırma törenlerini yapmaya yanaşmamıştır. Bunun üzerine Zeus ona acımış ve Olimpos'taki tanrılar sofrasına davet etmiştir ama İksion nankörlük edip bu sofrada Hera'ya kur yapmaya başlamıştır. Bunu farkeden Zeus, bulutlardan Hera'ya benzeyen bir görüntü yapmıştır ve İksion bununla birleşmiştir. Bu birleşmeden at adamlar soyu meydana gelmiştir.
Zeus İksion'a korkunç günahları ve nankörlüğü sebebiyle Tartaros'ta alevler saçan bir tekerlek üzerinde bağlı olarak sonsuza dek dönme cezası vermiştir. İksion tanrılar sofrasında ambrosia içtiği için ölümsüz olmuş, bu yüzden bir kerede yanarak ölmemiş ve Tartaros'taki tekerlek üzerinde sonsuza dek dönerek yanmıştır.

 nephele = hera=cloud => Centaurs
centaurs= ixionida
ambrosia=immortality food


The Oracle of Delphi tells King Laius of Thebes he will have a child who is destined to kill him and sleep with Laius's wife, Jocasta, ...