

ARES The God of War had a long love affair with Aphrodite which lasted for the duration of her marriage to Hephaistos and beyond. She bore him four divine sons: Eros, Anteros, Deimos, Phobos; and a daughter: Harmonia.
DIONYSUS The God of Wine who had a short affair with Aphrodite. Hera cursed the goddess to bear a horribly ugly child, Priapos, as punishment for her promiscuity. Some say Hermes Bakkheios (Iakkhos) was also their child.
HEPHAISTOS The God of Smiths was the husband of Aphrodite, who later divorced her following her adulterous love affair with Ares. Aphrodite was never happy with the marriage having been forced to wed him by decree of Zeus, as a gift for releasing his mother Hera from the bonds of the cursed golden throne 
HERMES The Messenger of the Gods seduced Aphrodite with the help of his father Zeus. She bore him a son, the godling Hermaphroditos (and some say Eros).
NERITES A young Sea-God who was the very first love of Aphrodite. When he refused to leave the sea to join her on Olympos, she transformed him into a shell-fish for his betrayal.
POSEIDON The great God of the Sea had an affair with Aphrodite who was grateful for his support following the revelation of her adulterous relationship with Ares. She bore him two daughters Rhodos and Herophilos.
ZEUS The King of the Gods attempted to seduce Aphrodite when she first set foot upon land in Kypros. Aphrodite fled and Zeus' seed was spilt upon the earth.

Aphrodite + Hermes> Hermaphrodite
  (double sexed begins)
Aphrodıte + Poseidon>  two sons

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The Oracle of Delphi tells King Laius of Thebes he will have a child who is destined to kill him and sleep with Laius's wife, Jocasta, ...